# Skyboxes

All API endpoints require an API Key sent in a header or as a get parameter. Please refer to the Making requests section to find out more.

# Generate Skybox

This section explains how to generate skyboxes.

To generate a skybox, start by selecting a skybox style. You'll need to use the id of the chosen style as the skybox_style_id parameter in your request. For more details on how to retrieve available styles, refer to the Get Skybox Styles section.

# Method


# API Endpoint


# Params

Key Data Type Description
skybox_style_id Int Predefined styles are used to choose the model version and influence the overall aesthetic of your skybox generation (Fantasy landscape, Anime art style, etc...). Explained in more detail here. required
prompt String Text prompt describing the skybox world you wish to create. Maximum number of characters: 2000. If you are using skybox_style_id then the maximum number of characters is defined in the max-char response parameter defined for each style required
negative_text String Describe things to avoid in the skybox world you wish to create. Maximum number of characters: 1000. If you are using skybox_style_id then the maximum number of characters is defined in the negative-text-max-char response parameter defined for each style optional
enhance_prompt Boolean Have an AI automatically improve your prompt to generate pro-level results every time (default: false) optional
seed Int Send 0 for a random seed generation. Any other number (1-2147483647) set will be used to "freeze" the image generator and create similar images when run again with the same seed and settings. optional
remix_imagine_id Int ID of a previously generated skybox. optional
control_image Binary
Base64 string
Absolute URL
Control image used to influence the generation (ie. remix from init image). Explained in more detail here. optional
control_model String Model used for the control_image. Currently the only option is: "remix". optional
webhook_url String Optionally, you may specify a webhook url to specify the destination for progress updates optional

# Generate skybox request example

To generate a skybox send application/json POST request to https://backend.blockadelabs.com/api/v1/skybox with prompt parameter as a description of the skybox world you wish to create. You can also try our Postman collection to start testing:

Skybox Request

# Response example

  "id": 123456, // id of your generation. It can be used to track generation progress or to cancel the generation
  "skybox_style_id": 67, // skybox style id used in a generation request
  "skybox_style_name": "M3 Photoreal", //skybox style name used in a generation request
  "model": "Model 3", // model used to generate
  "status": "pending", // initially status is set as 'pending' after you send a generation request. Status will change from one state to another and you will get updates for each one if you are using pusher or webhook: pending -> dispatched -> processing -> complete. Also you can get abort or error.
  "type": "skybox", // type of skybox generation
  "queue_position": 2, // position of your request in a generation queue
  "file_url": "", // full size of generated image url (empty until generation is completed)
  "thumb_url": "", // thumbnail of generated image url (empty until generation is completed)
  "title": "Imagination #123456", // generation title
  "user_id": 1, // your user id
  "username": "user@blockadelabs.com", // your username
  "error_message": null, // if status=error here you should see the error message
  "obfuscated_id": "460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4", // hash id of your generation
  "pusher_channel": "status_update_460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4", // pusher channel name used to track generation progress
  "pusher_event": "status_update", // pusher channel event used to track generation progress
  "created_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:19+00:00", // time created
  "updated_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:19+00:00" // time updated


Don't forget that after you receive the response above you need to track generation progress.

# Generation progress - Status update message example:

  "id": 123456,
  "obfuscated_id": "460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4",
  "skybox_style_id": 67,
  "skybox_style_name": "M3 Photoreal",
  "model": "Model 3",
  "status": "complete",
  "queue_position": 1,
  "file_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/images/imagine/detailed_digital_painting_cd_computer_render_fantasy_vr_dreamscape__6fee994c6f9f2229__793071_6.jpg?ver=1",
  "thumb_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbs/imagine/thumb_detailed_digital_painting_cd_computer_render_fantasy_vr_dreamscape__6fee994c6f9f2229__793071_6.jpg?ver=1",
  "depth_map_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/depths/imagine/detailed_digital_painting_cd_computer_render_fantasy_vr_dreamscape__6fee994c6f9f2229__793071_6.jpg?ver=1",
  "title": "Imagination #123456",
  "user_id": 1,
  "username": "user@blockadelabs.com",
  "error_message": null,
  "pusher_channel": "status_update_460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4",
  "pusher_event": "status_update",
  "created_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:19+00:00",
  "updated_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:36+00:00"

# Generate Skybox Examples

Use the following examples as a request parameters for the generate skybox API request:
POST https://backend.blockadelabs.com/api/v1/skybox

# Generate Skybox using the "M3 UHD Render" style

  "skybox_style_id": 35, // "M3 UHD Render" skybox style id
  "prompt": "prompt example",

# Generate Skybox using the "M3 UHD Render" style, with negative text, seed, prompt enhancer and webhook_url

  "skybox_style_id": 35, // "M3 UHD Render" skybox style id
  "prompt": "mountains", // when enhance_prompt is sent this text will be used by AI to improve it
  "negative_text": "clouds, river", // avoid generating clouds and river
  "enhance_prompt": true, // automatically improve the prompt
  "seed": 234143, // set generation seed number
  "webhook_url": "https://www.example.com/webhook", // the url destination where the progress updates should be sent

# Remix previously generated skybox

  "skybox_style_id": 35, // "M3 UHD Render" skybox style id
  "prompt": "prompt example",
  "remix_imagine_id": 123456 // id of a previously generated skybox

# Remix from uploaded (equirectangular) image

  "skybox_style_id": 35, // "M3 UHD Render" skybox style id
  "prompt": "prompt example",
  "control_image": "https://images.blockadelabs.com/skybox-starters/42_133ff00e73def7ca30c01b24be7991d9_file.jpg", // this parameter can be sent as Binary, Base64 string or Absolute URL string
  "control_model": "remix" // required parameter in order for "remix from uploaded image" to work
# Best practices

The control_image should be an equirectangular image sent across as binary, base64 or absolute URL with a common resolution of 2048x1024 or greater, with an aspect ratio of 2:1 and a max file size of 50MB. Images submitted outside of the aspect ratio of 2:1 will be forced to a 2:1 ratio during processing which could produce undesired image warping.

# Get Skybox Styles

This endpoint returns a list of predefined styles that shape the overall aesthetic of your skybox generation.

Each style in the response includes model and model_version parameters, indicating the model that will be used for generation. Since Model 2 is now deprecated, ensure you request this endpoint with the model_version parameter set to 3.

For example: https://backend.blockadelabs.com/api/v1/skybox/styles?model_version=3.

# Method


# API Endpoint


# Params

Key Data Type Description
model_version String Filter skybox styles by model version number. Since model 2 is now deprecated only available option is 3. optional

# Response example

        "id": 67, // to be used as 'skybox_style_id' parameter in the 'Generate skybox' endpoint to influence the overall aesthetic of your skybox generation
        "name": "M3 Photoreal", // name of the style
        "max-char": 390, // maximum number of characters that can be used for 'prompt' in the 'Generate skybox' endpoint
        "negative-text-max-char": 250, // maximum number of characters that can be used for 'negative_text' in the 'Generate skybox' endpoint
        "image": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbs/imagine/thumb_detailed_digital_painting_cd_computer_render_fantasy_vr_dreamscape__6fee994c6f9f2229__793071_6.jpg", // image example of the style
        "sort_order": 1, // sorting order
        "model": "Model 3", // model name
        "model_version": "3" // model version number
        "id": 43,
        "name": "Anime art style (Model 3)",
        "max-char": 360,
        "negative-text-max-char": 220,
        "image": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbs/imagine/thumb_beautiful_anime_illustration_vr_view_anime_cinematic_lighting__d8f7004caba3e61c__863995_d8f700.jpg",
        "sort_order": 2,
        "model": "Model 3",
        "model_version": "3"

# Get Skybox by id

# Method


# API Endpoint


# Response example

  "request" : {
    "id": 123456, // id of your generation. It can be used to track generation progress or to cancel the generation
    "obfuscated_id": "460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4", // hash id of your generation
    "user_id": 1, // your user id
    "username": "user@blockadelabs.com", // your username

    "status": "complete", // initially status is set as 'pending' after you send a generation request. Status will change from one state to another and you will get updates for each one if you are using pusher or webhook: pending -> dispatched -> processing -> complete. Also you can get abort or error.
    "queue_position": 1, // position of your request in a generation queue
    "pusher_channel": "status_update_460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4", // pusher channel name used to track generation progress
    "pusher_event": "status_update", // pusher channel event used to track generation progress
    "error_message": null, // if status=error here you should find the error message
    "type": "skybox", // type of generation (currently "skybox" is the only one)
    "title": "Imagination #123456", // generation title
    "prompt": "prompt text", // prompt text used to generate skybox
    "seed": 123456, // seed number used to generate skybox
    "skybox_style_id": 67, // skybox style id used to generate skybox
    "skybox_style_name": "M3 Photoreal", // skybox style name used to generate skybox
    "model": "Model 3", // model name used to generate skybox
    "file_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/images/imagine/futuristic_microdetailed_vr_scifi_concept_art_cinematic_vr_neon__dbe7f963dc23699c__2757929_dbe7.jpg?ver=1", // generated skybox image (6144x3072 pixels)
    "thumb_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbs/imagine/thumb_futuristic_microdetailed_vr_scifi_concept_art_cinematic_vr_neon__dbe7f963dc23699c__2757929_dbe7.jpg?ver=1", // generated skybox thumbnail (672x336 pixels)
    "depth_map_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/depths/imagine/futuristic_microdetailed_vr_scifi_concept_art_cinematic_vr_neon__dbe7f963dc23699c__2757929_dbe7.jpg?ver=1", // generated skybox depyh map image (2048x1024 pixels)
    "created_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:19+00:00", // time created
    "updated_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:39+00:00", // time updated
    "dispatched_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:20+00:00", // time dispatched
    "processing_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:21+00:00", // time processing started
    "completed_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:39+00:00", // time completed

# Get Skybox by Obfuscated id

# Method


# API Endpoint


# Response example

  "request" : {
    "id": 123456, // id of your generation. It can be used to track generation progress or to cancel the generation
    "obfuscated_id": "460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4", // hash id of your generation
    "user_id": 1, // your user id
    "username": "user@blockadelabs.com", // your username

    "status": "complete", // initially status is set as 'pending' after you send a generation request. Status will change from one state to another and you will get updates for each one if you are using pusher or webhook: pending -> dispatched -> processing -> complete. Also you can get abort or error.
    "queue_position": 1, // position of your request in a generation queue
    "pusher_channel": "status_update_460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4", // pusher channel name used to track generation progress
    "pusher_event": "status_update", // pusher channel event used to track generation progress
    "error_message": null, // if status=error here you should find the error message
    "type": "skybox", // type of generation (currently "skybox" is the only one)
    "title": "Imagination #123456", // generation title
    "prompt": "prompt text", // prompt text used to generate skybox
    "seed": 123456, // seed number used to generate skybox
    "skybox_style_id": 67, // skybox style id used to generate skybox
    "skybox_style_name": "M3 Photoreal", // skybox style name used to generate skybox
    "model": "Model 3", // model name used to generate skybox
    "file_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/images/imagine/futuristic_microdetailed_vr_scifi_concept_art_cinematic_vr_neon__dbe7f963dc23699c__2757929_dbe7.jpg?ver=1", // generated skybox image (6144x3072 pixels)
    "thumb_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbs/imagine/thumb_futuristic_microdetailed_vr_scifi_concept_art_cinematic_vr_neon__dbe7f963dc23699c__2757929_dbe7.jpg?ver=1", // generated skybox thumbnail (672x336 pixels)
    "depth_map_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/depths/imagine/futuristic_microdetailed_vr_scifi_concept_art_cinematic_vr_neon__dbe7f963dc23699c__2757929_dbe7.jpg?ver=1", // generated skybox depyh map image (2048x1024 pixels)
    "created_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:19+00:00", // time created
    "updated_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:39+00:00", // time updated
    "dispatched_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:20+00:00", // time dispatched
    "processing_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:21+00:00", // time processing started
    "completed_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:39+00:00", // time completed

# Get History

# Method


# API Endpoint


# Params

Key Data Type Description
status String Filter by status. Options: all, pending, dispatched, processing, complete, abort, error (default: all) optional
limit Int Number of items to be returned per page (default: 18, max-value: 100) optional
offset Int Page number (default: 0) optional
order String Sort order. Options: ASC, DESC (default: DESC) optional
imagine_id Int Filter by skybox id optional
query String Filter by title or prompt optional
generator String Filter by generator optional
api_key_id Integer Filter by API key ID optional

# Response example

  "data": [
      "id": 123456, // id of your generation. It can be used to track generation progress or to cancel the generation
      "obfuscated_id": "460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4", // hash id of your generation
      "user_id": 1, // your user id
      "username": "user@blockadelabs.com", // your username

      "status": "complete", // initially status is set as 'pending' after you send a generation request. Status will change from one state to another and you will get updates for each one if you are using pusher or webhook: pending -> dispatched -> processing -> complete. Also you can get abort or error.
      "queue_position": 1, // position of your request in a generation queue
      "pusher_channel": "status_update_460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4", // pusher channel name used to track generation progress
      "pusher_event": "status_update", // pusher channel event used to track generation progress
      "error_message": null, // if status=error here you should find the error message
      "type": "skybox", // type of generation (currently "skybox" is the only one)
      "title": "Imagination #123456", // generation title
      "prompt": "prompt text", // prompt text used to generate skybox
      "seed": 123456, // seed number used to generate skybox
      "skybox_style_id": 67, // skybox style id used to generate skybox
      "skybox_style_name": "M3 Photoreal", // skybox style name used to generate skybox
      "model": "Model 3", // model name used to generate skybox
      "file_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/images/imagine/futuristic_microdetailed_vr_scifi_concept_art_cinematic_vr_neon__dbe7f963dc23699c__2757929_dbe7.jpg?ver=1", // generated skybox image (6144x3072 pixels)
      "thumb_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbs/imagine/thumb_futuristic_microdetailed_vr_scifi_concept_art_cinematic_vr_neon__dbe7f963dc23699c__2757929_dbe7.jpg?ver=1", // generated skybox thumbnail (672x336 pixels)
      "depth_map_url": "https://blockade-platform-production.s3.amazonaws.com/depths/imagine/futuristic_microdetailed_vr_scifi_concept_art_cinematic_vr_neon__dbe7f963dc23699c__2757929_dbe7.jpg?ver=1", // generated skybox depyh map image (2048x1024 pixels)
      "created_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:19+00:00", // time created
      "updated_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:39+00:00", // time updated
      "dispatched_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:20+00:00", // time dispatched
      "processing_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:21+00:00", // time processing started
      "completed_at": "2023-03-18T10:42:39+00:00", // time completed
  "totalCount": 1,
  "has_more": false

# Cancel Generation

# Method


# API Endpoint



This request sets the status to the abort value.

# Response example

  "success": true

# Cancel All Pending Generations

This request sets the status of all pending generations to abort.

# Method


# API Endpoint


# Response example

  "success": true

# Delete

This request deletes skybox.

# Method


# API Endpoint


# Response example

  "success": "Item deleted successfully",
  "id": "42"