# Change Log

# July 12, 2024.

# June 11, 2024.

  • control_image and control_model has been added to the request to support "remix from init image" feature on the Generate Skybox (Model 3) API route

# April 18, 2024.

# April 4, 2024.

  • init_image and init_image_strength has been added to the request to support "remix from init image" feature on the Generate Skybox (Model 2) API route

# January 24, 2024.

# December 13, 2023.

  • return_depth_hq request parameter has been added to the request for high quality depth map on the Generate Skybox (Model 2) API route

# September 26, 2023.

# September 14, 2023.

# August 22, 2023.

  • Added skybox export functionality for PNG, HDRI (exr, hdr), Depth Map, Cube Map and Video (portrait, landscape, square). Explained in more detail in the Skybox Exports section of the documentation.
  • Depth map is now always generated when using the Generate Skybox request.
  • return_depth has been deprecated on the Generate Skybox (Model 2) API route

# July 28, 2023.

When sent as true, it will take a short prompt parameter like “wildflower meadow” and turn it into something like:

“a vibrant expanse of wildflower meadow, painted with vivid hues of nature, under the serene blue sky, kissed by the soft sunlight, buzzing with tiny insects”

Enhance Prompt mode also, for the first time, makes it possible to ask Skybox AI for what you want rather than prompting it. Without this new feature, typing in “Hey please create me a really cool river scene” will result in a sub-par result since really only the word “river” is giving the AI the context it needs to create, while the Prompt Enhancer will turn that into a prompt like

“tranquil serenade of a babbling crystal-clear river snaking its way through a verdant valley, sun-dappled leaves whispering overhead, colorful birds flitting through the sky, a soothing tableau of nature”

This new parameter allows anyone to have an AI automatically improve their prompt to generate pro-level results every time.

# June 7, 2023.

  • Added x-api-key header parameter. Explained in more detail in the Making requests section of the documentation.

# May 31, 2023.

# May 16, 2023.

# April 27, 2023.

  • Reorganized documentation to simplify Skybox generaton
  • Added seed number as a request parameter in the Generate Skybox (Model 2) API route

# April 26, 2023.

  • Added return_depth (depth map image generation) as a request parameter in the Generate Skybox (Model 2) API route
  • Added depth_map_url (generated depth map image) as a return parameter in the progress update message
  • Added negative_text (negative text prompt) as a request parameter in the Generate Skybox (Model 2) API route

# April 12, 2023.

# April 05, 2023.

# April 03, 2023.

# March 21, 2023.

  • GET https://backend.blockadelabs.com/api/v1/skybox is now deprecated in favor of GET https://backend.blockadelabs.com/api/v1/skybox/styles explained in more detail here.

  • POST https://backend.blockadelabs.com/api/v1/skybox/{id} is now deprecated in favor of POST https://backend.blockadelabs.com/api/v1/skybox explained in more detail here.

  • We are now sending pusher updates on a separate channels for each skybox/imagine generation request. You will get pusher_channel and pusher_event in the response:

      "pusher_channel": "status_update_460370b7328a5cb8dbddd6ef0d1c9dd4", // pusher channel name used to track generation progress
      "pusher_event": "status_update", // pusher channel event used to track generation progress
  • Responses are cleaned up from unnecessary fields.